The Secret Garden – Chapter 21

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Here is chapter 21 of The Secret Garden. The chapter is called Ben Weatherstaff.

The chapters will now be posted from an audiobook as I have confirmed that I may legally post the chapters due to Fair Use rules. The reader actually can do the accents correctly as well.


Secret Garden

I hope the sound files played for you. I chose the type of sound file that is supposed to work on every browser except Internet Explorer (that was the most). Please let me know if there was a problem.

The Secret Garden

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Due to the disastrous way the year is ending, we can not possibly finish our novel study of The Secret Garden. This year-end saddens me on many levels. But I would like to post the remaining chapters in digital audio form.


I hope to see all of you at the picnic on Thursday (we have something for you).


Tie-Dyed Easter Eggs (sort of)

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On Wednesday, we chopped up silk ties and transferred their patterns to Easter eggs. One tie’s colours did not transfer for some unknown reason. I promised those kids (and the others with successfully tie-dyed eggs) that I would post the directions so that more eggs could be dyed at home if you have a chance. Here are the instructions:

Materials: vinegar, silk ties, cotton (t-shirt material works), string, a glass or enamel pot (I have used stainless steel and it worked too), vegetable oil*

Cut up silk ties or silk scarves into pieces big enough to easily cover the surface of the eggs. Cut up the cotton into pieces also large enough to completely cover the eggs

Wrap the silk around the egg so the egg is completely covered and so the darkest part of the silk is touching the egg shell. Now wrap the cotton tightly around the egg and silk to hold the silk in place. Use a long piece of string to anchor the material in place. When it is holding the material around so it doesn’t move, tie the string.

Add 3 tablespoons of vinegar to a pot of water and bring it to a boil. Place the eggs in the boiling water and keep them in the water (with at least a rolling boil) for 20 minutes.

Take the wrapped eggs out of the pot and let them cool in open air with the material still on them. Once they are cool, remove the wrappings and you should have a beautifully-decorated egg.

*Although the class did not do this, you can rub the eggs with vegetable oil to give them a shiny appearance.

A Fantastic Field Trip

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As I am sure you know, we had a wonderful field trip to The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria and Beacon Hill Park. I’d love to post the epic class photo on the tree branch, but our school doesn’t post photos of students. I have emailed it to you.

Thanks to all the parent drivers for giving up a day. We couldn’t have done it without you.